Cyber Insurance for Business

The cost of a data breach can be extreme and render your business suspended whilst systems are restored and clients whose data is affected are informed.

Our Cyber Insurance has been created with the customer in mind. Our partners have designed cover that provides a tangible response in the form of IT Forensic experts when your business suffers a cyber attack. The policy also includes 24/7 help to assist you and your staff in protecting your systems and preventing such attacks.

Our product includes:

Minimum of £100,000 per year to settle claims for cyber attacks
ICO reporting assistance for a data breach
Recovery of systems following a breach
Risk Factory - 24/7 helpline
Optional financial fraud cover for ‘phishing’ attacks
Complementary Products and Services

Request a quote or get in touch to discuss your cover

A member of our team will be in touch with you to discuss your insurance needs and talk you through your options.

Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for please get in touch, we would be happy to help with your enquiry.

What happens if sensitive data is accidentally or criminally exposed?
You need to inform the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) so that each individual can be contacted. With a QCG policy that will be done for you.
Who will help me with paying a ransom when my system has been blocked by fraudsters?
Typically your IT system will be off line until you settle the ransom. Our policy will reimburse you up to a selected limit.
How can I train staff to spot a rogue email amongst the genuine ones?
Our policy comes with a helpline for your assistance at all times where you can talk to an IT professional. There are also training modules available, some of which are free.
How will I know if my hard drive is virus free after an attack?
When you claim under our policy,  IT forensic experts will be involved in the aftermath to ensure your system is ‘clean’ and safe to use.

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