Hotel, Restaurant & Pub Insurance Brokers Brighton

We provide a wide range of covers to suit all hospitality and leisure businesses including those outlets offering events and live entertainment

Bespoke solutions for the spectrum of businesses in the hospitality and leisure industry.

Product features:

Property Damage, Stock, Tenants Improvements, Loss of Income and Liabilities covered as standard
Occasional late licence
Living in accommodation for staff and owner  
Optional Extras including B&B rooms in pubs, and/ or live in accommodation for staff and owner
Loss of licence cover available
Extensions available for offsite catering and events
We also offer a number of complementary products to help you manage costs and optimise your business including:

Request a quote or get in touch to discuss your cover

A member of our team will be in touch with you to discuss your insurance needs and talk you through your options.

Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for please get in touch, we would be happy to help with your enquiry.

My pub also has rooms above. What happens if I want to let those?
We can obtain cover for this as well as the loss of rent.
Can my hotel insurance cover me to hold weddings?
Yes this can be included as well as other activities such as spas, live entertainment, conferences.
 Will I be covered for loss of licence?
Most policies cover this as long as it is a loss beyond your own control.
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For Care Homes
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